miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012


1. Answer the following questions:
  • Do you own or have access to an IPod or other MP3 device? Which one ? How often do you use it ? How important is it in your daily life?
  • Are you are familiar with the term podcast and what it means? Explain
  • Have you ever listened to a podcast? Which one ?
  • Do you currently listen to/subscribe to at least one podcast on a regular basis? Which one ?
2. Go to http://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/features/jan-june05/podcasting_2-23.html. and read  the NewsHour Extra article "Podcasting Power for the People"
Answer the following questions:
What is a podcast?
What do you need to create a podcast?
How do you create a podcast?
How do you publish a podcast?
Where can you publish a podcast?
What is RSS?
How do you suscribe to a podcast?
3. For further enrichment read from the Online NewsHour segment transcript "Apple's IPod a Technological, Cultural Phenomenon" available at http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/media/jan-june06/ipod_05-15.html.
4. Go back to the NewsHour Extra article "Podcasting Power for the People". Pay special attention to the section entitled "Creeping Commercialization" and answer the following questions:
  • In what ways are podcasts similar to television programs that have been TiVoed?
  • How are podcasts different from what is currently available on traditional radio?
  • How are traditional television broadcasters and advertisers using podcasting to reach different audiences as well as target markets?
  • Why do you think podcasting has become so popular? Mention some of the benefits of podcasting.
  • Is there a down side to podcasting? Write down  some of the negatives that could result from this medium of communication.
5. Respond  in writing the following questions :
•Do you agree with the last statement in the Newhour Extra article that says: "This is 'not a flash in the pan, it's here to stay.'" Why or why not?
•Do you think podvertising will be a good thing? Why or why not?
•If podcasters begin to charge subscription fees, how do you think this will impact podcasting? Why?
•If given the opportunity, would you ever consider creating your own podcast or a podvertising campaign? Why or why not?
•What impact, if any, do you believe podcasting will have on education in Colombia?


*yes, yes I used it
*yes, I am related to the term.

What is a podcast?
A podcast is a kind of audio recording that anyone with a computer, Internet connection and software programs can create or listen to.

What do you need to create a podcast?
Computer,  Internet connection and software programs.

How do you create a podcast?
·  Record and Tag. Try using Audacity, which is free, to record your show, and don’t forget to label and save your information.
·  Save and Edit. Save your audio file (in MP3 format) to your computer desktop and edit out extra background noise or long periods of silence.
How do you publish a podcast?
The process simply, an audio file is posted to a Web site, where it can be downloaded to a digital audio player, such as an iPod or any other MP3 player. Then, people subscribe to their favorite podcasts to have those audio shows automatically -- and conveniently -- delivered to their MP3 player or computer as soon as a new audio file is available.

How do you publish a podcast?
·  Create your RSS podcast feed. The feed must meet all industry standards for a valid 2.0 feed with enclosures. Use a free service such as Apply Tools.  Starting a blog is probably the easiest thing you could do, so start a blog for your podcast but don’t post anything on it yet.
·  Put your RSS podcast feed on the Internet. Go to Feedburner and type in the URL of your blog and click “I am a podcaster!” Configure your podcast on the next screen. Only add elements that directly relate to you podcast. Your feedburner feed is your podcast.
·  Go to OurMedia.org and sign-up there. Then go to your files, and upload your MP3 file.
·  Publish it. Post it on your blog or website -make the title of the post the title of that episode of the podcast and enter the URL for your audio file. Write a brief description under of the podcast’s content—make it clever and informative so people want to click on it and listen. At the end of the post, put a link directly to your media file.

What is RSS?
The first podcasting computer program using a code called "RSS," or "really simple syndication," which also applies to text files. is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format. An RSS document (which is called a "feed", "web feed" or "channel") includes full or summarized text, plus metadata such as publishing dates and authorship.
How do you suscribe to a podcast?
1. Run iTunes and select "Subscribe to Podcast" from the "Advanced" menu,
then type or paste the podcast address in the "URL" field (directory of Science Audio podcasts). The address should end with ".xml".
Click "OK", and the downloads begin immediately.
go to the iTunes Store (from the menu on the left)
and enter the title of the podcast in the "Search iTunes Store" field (in the upper right corner), then hit enter on your keyboard.
Then click on the "subscribe" button for the podcast, and the downloads begin immediat

*I don’t know
*It has the possibility to listen to what you want.
*With publicity
*Because it’s easy to create it, because it has more freedom to express different opinions, because it can be listen by anyone who has internet connection.
*Not everyone has the elements to create it, it cannot be listen a lot because they are not advertised.

*Yes I think podcasting is here to stay because people are really in to it because of its facilities.
*no, because people are tired of publicity on the radio and TV and in a lot of cases that’s the reason why they prefer podcast.
*It would be a big change because people may not be interest in to paying for something that before was free.
* yes I would take the opportunity because it is a great way to express our self and to share our thoughts and experiences to the world.
*It would be a good idea to add podcasting to the education in Colombia because it is a different way to teach different things specially languages. 

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